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The Full Scoop




Please check back for more information!

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Entries are CLOSED
Group Order









PLEASE NOTE:  All dogs onsite are required by the venue to be up to date with their vaccinations including but not limited to DHLPP, and Parvo.  Bordetella is highly recommend as well. With the recent parvo outbreaks this is more important than ever.  Please be prepared to show proof of vaccination per request by the venue.


Inside Shows (this is an inside show):

Expect the rings to be smaller with limited crating inside (small dogs take priority).  No grooming inside the building. Anticipate crating dogs in your vehicles with the exception of small breeds.  The building has limited heat and no air conditioning.  Dress accordingly.  Other buildings may be offered for overflow crating.

 MASKs may be REQUIRED by the judge and/or the club.  Please be prepared to comply. 

The showsite is available after 5:30pm until 8pm on Friday and until two (2) hours after the completion of Best In Show unless overnight parking is reserved each night.  The buildings and area will close at 8pm and reopen at 7:30am.  Parking will be along the drive on the rocked areas with limited crating inside the fenced area.

Lunch will be offered on Saturday from 12pm-1:30pm.  A food truck will be offered for breakfast and lunch on Sunday with exhibitors paying for their food choices:  MeMaw's Apron

Raffle and Silent Auction will be offered!

A photographer will be onsite and photos will be posted.

No refunds or credits will be offered.  No entries will be accepted that are incomplete or lacking payment.

Parking, lunch and amenities are for exhibitors and workers.  Due to limited resources visitors and spectators are discouraged.  Please have access to your entry confirmation at the entrance.  If you want to park inside the fenced area please offer to volunteer!

Thank you for your interest in supporting our show!  Midwest Dog Fanciers appreciates your entry!  We hope things run smoothly.  Please be patient if issues arise!

Please support our sponsors:

Sam’s Club (donated food and paper goods)

Gun Dog Supply (gift certificates)

Chris Christensen (gift certificates)

· Danner Roofing and Construction, Lee’s Summit/Lake Of The Ozarks/ Warsaw (

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